Advanced installer command line parameters custom action
Advanced installer command line parameters custom action

advanced installer command line parameters custom action

The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /qb!- with REBOOTPROMPT=S set on the command line. If no reboot option is specified, the installer restarts the computer whenever necessary without displaying any prompt or warning to the user. Use the /norestart or /forcerestart standard command-line options to control reboots. The installer displays a progress bar to the user that indicates that an installation is in progress but no prompts or error messages are displayed to the user. Msiexec /uninstall msipatch.msp /package Application.msi / quiet /passive Msiexec /uninstall Application.msi /quiet The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /qn. If no reboot options are specified, the installer restarts the computer whenever necessary without displaying any prompt or warning to the user.

advanced installer command line parameters custom action

No prompts, messages, or dialog boxes are displayed to the user. The installer runs an installation without displaying a user interface. The equivalent Windows Installer Command-Line Option is: /?. Incorrect use of any option invokes this help option.

advanced installer command line parameters custom action

The description of usage can be displayed in the user interface. Displays the correct usage of the setup command including a list of all switches and behavior. The Windows Installer Command-Line Options are available with Windows Installer 3.0 and earlier versions. The command-line options that are identified in this topic are available beginning with Windows Installer 3.0.

Advanced installer command line parameters custom action